I can’t believe I have a 7-year-old! Ethan had a fun-filled day for his birthday, and actually got to celebrate it two days; once with our family, and then the next day with extended family. We woke up early and went hiking with our friends up to Stewart Falls. It was our first time up there this year. We’ve had so much rain that it was nice and green and the waterfall was flowing. After the hike the Wilson’s invited us over for a BBQ, and then Ethan wanted to go to Jump On It. We had 2-for-1 passes we used. It was a lot of fun. After that I had to work, but Ethan went kayaking with Bryan; so he had a fun-filled day! We are so grateful for Ethan in our family. He is very creative and can entertain himself with his imagination for hours. Austin loves playing with him and they both use their imagination all day! Austin misses Ethan when he is gone at school because he has such fun playing with him. Ethan is a very sweet, innocent boy. The next day my family came over for cake and ice cream and brought him some presents. He was very excited about the Lego Harry Potter train and the police man costume.

In our family we decided to have a friend party on the even years and just a family get together on the odd years. Ever since Austin had his fireman party, Ethan wanted his theme to be policemen. He wanted a policeman costume and cake. I searched online and tried my best to imitate a police car I saw. It kind of ended up a little big, and the top kept wanting to slide down, but it turned out okay. We are grateful for good friends, family, and for all those who helped make Ethan feel special on his birthday!
Happy birthday, Ethan! We love you! :)
My oldest sister, Gina, and her family came to visit at the end of the July at the same time Tara’s kids were here visiting. So my parents had all of their grandkids (all 12 of them), over one day and snapped this picture. This is actually from my sister Lisa’s phone, but I think Gina got a picture as well......Did you Gina? I need a copy! :) We also went to the pool while Gavin and Bailey were here.
Bryan’s sister, Jessica, is getting married August 26, 2011, to Peter Ehlen. We are very happy for them and hope they enjoy this exciting time in their life. My sister, Jamie, let me have a bridal shower for Jessica at her home. I think it turned out pretty fun. For her colors she is using bright summer colors, so I tried to use them in the decorations. Her Aunt had a beautiful and yummy cake made and we also played a few games. My mom gave me some ideas from a shower she went to, as well as my best friend, Kim’s, mom. She had a great list of questions to quiz Jessica on. First we put these little pink clothes pins on the guests as they arrived. They weren’t supposed to use the word marriage or wedding. If anyone was caught using those words, they could get their pin taken away. The person with the most pins at the end won a price. Jessica‘s Aunt Stacey won that one! We also did a game where you write Jessica’s name vertically with space in between, and then Peter’s name on the other side. I had to use his middle and last initial to match up with Jessica. Then the object of the game was to see how many words you could think of that started with “J” for example, and ended with “P”. Kim had a friend there that was I think in med school, and she had all kinds of crazy words and won that one! The last game was to see how “well” Jessica knew Peter. I had asked Peter ahead of time a list of questions. Jessica drew a name of one of the guests there and then a candy bar. If she got it right she got to keep it, but if she got it wrong the person whose name she drew got to keep the candy bar. Here are some pictures from the shower....

Congratulations Jessica! We are so happy for you!
"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things." ~Pierce Harris