November 2011

Here is November in summary.......

Bryan went to New York because Adobe was showcasing his work in SoHo in a special showing put on by CNET.  Here's three pictures he sent me on his phone while there.

They started building Bryan's parent's house!  We drove by a lot to take pictures on the progress since Jeff and Barbara are still in California.
Austin at his preschool with his show-n-tell he brought
The boys were excited to get these Thanksgiving books from Nana and Grandpa for Thanksgiving.

Raking and jumping in leaves

Our thankful tree

Sadly I didn't get any pictures of Thanksgiving over at Grandpa and Grandma Newman's.  
"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things." ~Pierce Harris
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