Summer is here!!!...... And it's raining!

Ethan finished first grade with flying colors. Ever since transferring to his new school he has made major improvements in reading and in all areas. His teacher was perfect for him. She is very organized, kind, and structured and that really helped Ethan to excel. We celebrated after he got out of school by going to Jump Around Town. The boys had the place all to themselves....We bought a Groupon to it. It's a new place and they don't have a ton of jumping things, but just enough to have fun for an hour.

We got summer passes to Seven Peaks through a sweet deal from City Deals and hope to have a laid back summer at the pool as soon as the sun comes back out!

Happy Summer!

Preschool Graduation

Last Thursday was Austin's preschool graduation and he woke up with the flu. :( I was so sad he couldn't go; they had caps and gowns and Bryan's grandparents from out of town were here and going to come.

I'm glad he had the chance to go to the preschool he did. He had a good year and a good teacher. I can't believe in three months he will be starting kindergarten!

Here's a picture of him holding is preschool diploma, holding his apron they let him take home that has his name on it, and one of the many funny outfits/costumes he created at home.

Checking a 'To Do' Off My List

Last week I had a piano recital for my students to finish off the school year. I don't start my summer schedule until the 1st week of June, so that gives me a few weeks off, which means more time to get things done from my list of things to do before I have a baby. :) Our family spent the weekend sick, so today was my first day of really getting anything done. During the school year we have a drawer for each of our boys and we stick everything from school in there until school's over and we can go through and decide what to keep and what to throw away. So today I spent some time going through their stacks and putting the keep items in a binder. For Ethan I already had one for his preschool and Kindergarten, but I added a side label of the year and teacher. I know it's not much, but it always feels good to get a little more organized!
Next on the list, going through the boys' room and all their clutter, stuff, and clothes!! Wish me luck!! One of my kids has a hoarding problem!!!

Austin turns 5!

On Monday Austin turned the big 5! Since we had a party last year we were a little more low key this year. It was also a busy day since I teach piano on Mondays and we also had our baby ultrasound that morning. While I taught he got to play with his cousins, Aunt Jamie, and Grandma Jorgensen at the park. After picking him up we went as a family to Brick Oven and then back to our place for cake and ice cream. I made him a pirate cake earlier that day.
We are so blessed to have Austin in our family. He has such a great imagination, laugh, smile, and tells great stories.

P.S. I am returning to my blogger blog, and am going to slowly be transferring my posts from iWeb back to here, hopefully, so you might see updated posts that are from a while ago!

Ten Year Anniversary

Wow! Bryan and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary on May 1st. Our wedding day/reception days were pretty much the best days of my life up until that point. Everything turned out perfectly! It was all very magical! While 10 years seems to have gone very fast, it does seem a long time since the day we got married. It is hard to explain! Now we have an almost 8-year-old who will be getting baptized this summer, a 5-year-old, and a baby girl on the way. Bryan is also back in school finishing a degree.
We went down to Capitol Reef to check out UVU's field station and the park, since he will be teaching a photography excursion class there this fall.
We didn't have a whole lot of time to check out all the cool sites of the park, but we had fun! The field station is about 9 miles away from the visitor center, but you have to take this dirt road and drive real slow, so it takes at least a half hour from the visitor center. The place was pretty neat, all solar powered, makes their own water, etc. Besides the full-time employee that came up while we were there, we were the only two people up there with no phone service and no one around; kind of weird being in what felt like the middle of nowhere all by our lonesomes.
Here are some pictures of Bryan and I 10 years ago, and some pictures from Capitol Reef. 

"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things." ~Pierce Harris
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