I'm just about ready to be checked out of the hospital, but couldn't wait to post the arrival of our sweet girl, Aubrey Summer Niven. I'll blog more in detail later, but in brief she was born on Friday, September 14, 2012 at 12:50. She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 19 inches long.
I was grateful today for the chance to take the Sacrament at the hospital, (and this might be the only hospital that does that), but I appreciated this quote the couple gave me by President Boyd K. Packer,
"Children are the past, the present, and the future all blended into one. They are consummately precious. Every time a child is born, the world is renewed in innocence."
Here's Aubrey.....
Okay baby......I'm ready!
Posted by
on Sunday, September 9, 2012
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I am 39 weeks pregnant today and I'm having a hard time waiting for this little girl's arrival! Both my boys were two weeks early, so I kind of assumed that would be the case for this one. Although I'm anxious, I'm very thankful she's taking her time so that she can grow and develop as much as she needs to and hopefully not have any complications! Here's a recap of my pregnancy.......
Here's the ultrasound where we found out I'm having a girl!
I took weekly pictures to add to my BabyBump app on my phone, but I guess it doesn't help that I'm wearing something different each time!
22 weeks pregnant
24 weeks pregnant
25 weeks pregnant
26 weeks pregnant
28 weeks pregnant
29 weeks pregnant
30 weeks pregnant
31 weeks pregnant
33 weeks pregnant
34 weeks pregnant
35 weeks pregnant and different hair
36 weeks pregnant
37 weeks pregnant
38 weeks pregnant
And TODAY 39 weeks pregnant!
I made a goal to catch up on my blog before having my baby girl, and as of today I am all caught up! Hurray! So thank you for waiting little girl, you can come any time now! :)
Park fun!
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Labor Day Ice Blocking
Posted by
on Monday, September 3, 2012
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For Labor Day we went ice blocking at Rock Canyon Park......well, I just watched since I'm almost 9 months pregnant, but the boys went with Peter, Jessica, Peter's brother, Daniel, and Daniel's roommate, Trent. They had a fun time!
And it was so hot the boys enjoyed eating their ice after!
All Caught Up......or so I thought!
Posted by
on Sunday, September 2, 2012
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I finally finished transferring all my iweb blog posts over to blogger, and I was so excited to be done.....until I realized my last post in iweb was Halloween 2011 and my next post on blogger was May 2012. :( I guess I'm still making progress, but now I need to try and catch up on the months I didn't blog.