Farewell Camarillo

Well, we moved to Utah. I have mixed feelings about the move, especially now when I glance out the window and there is snow everywhere, and then I look at pictures of our time in Camarillo and think of the great weather it always had! I know it's the right move for us at this point in our life, but I hope that sometime in the future we can call Camarillo home again. We are currently in Alpine, looking for a place in Provo. The only thing negative I can think of about California is the cost of living. We are hoping to buy a townhome or home here in Utah and will be paying less on a mortgage payment than renting a two bedroom apartment in Camarillo! Here are some pretty shots of Camarillo and the area where we lived. A lot of these were taken with my iPhone, so not the best quality.

A drive I often took going up and down Potrero Canyon to teach piano lessons in Dos Vientos
I loved driving down and seeing the Channel Islands and the beautiful sunset.

There's something very cool about fog.

Our water fountain outside our place
Love the Spanish architecture

The huge field in our community

This is a picture of the almost-completed new pool and gym. This is looking out of our bedroom window. They already had one pool and gym on the other side of the community, but it was going to be so nice right across from us!

Farewell Camarillo, hope to see you soon!


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"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things." ~Pierce Harris
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