Chef of the Week

At Ethan’s school they have different “jobs”, ranging from feeding the pets, cleaning different stations, being the sous chef, and being the chef. I’m sure there are a few more. He first got to be sous chef and then this last week he moved to the chef position. He was in charge of planning the menu, shopping with me for the menu, and coming in 10 minutes early that week to prepare the snack. His menu was:

Monday - whole-grain bagels and cream cheese

Tuesday - Fruit smoothies

Wednesday - Veggies and dip (cucumbers, carrots, and jicama)

Thursday - Cheese and crackers

Friday - Bow-tie pasta noodles with butter and salt

He did a great job and enjoyed being responsible for the snack. At home he doesn’t like to get his hands dirty, sticky, or wet, if possible, and I was surprised he was more willing to in his position as chef. Good job Ethan!


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