November 2013 - Being grateful, homemade pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving feast

November was very cold!  We had a lot of sickness in November all the way through December, so we hung around the house a lot this month!

Here's some pics...

We put up a quick and easy tree on our wall and I have a bunch of I am thankful print outs that I don't remember where I got them from.  Maybe the friend or somewhere online.  It has a different activity you can do each day of the month of simple things your thankful for.  This one was I am thankful for my eyes and it said to watch a movie with your family.  

Love to see the boys being sweet to their sister and playing with her.

Aubrey started walking on the 9th of November!  Before then she had done about 4 steps at most, but that day she started to take off and kept doing around 15 steps.  She was so proud of her accomplishment and would walk around with a funny swing to show how excited she was about it.  She had been watching two kids around her age walking that same week and I think she thought, "if they can walk, I can walk!"  

Aubrey getting her hair done by Austin. :)

My two artists.  Austin drew the turkey on the left and Ethan on the right.

Love it when I find sweet and pure notes like this one.  Austin wrote, "I like the Church. The church of God.  I love God.  I love everyone."

We used Austin's pumpkin from his fieldtrip and cooked the pumpkin to make pumpkin pie, and also cooked up the pumpkin seeds......mmmmm!

I was impressed at how long Bryan lasted before getting sick with all that was going on at home.  But sadly the week of Thanksgiving it hit him.  We went and had Thanksgiving at his parents house and here he is resting before dinner.

 My cute boys.

 My sweet girl.

The great helpers preparing the feast. :)

Ethan impressed me this Thanksgiving.  We had talked about things we were thankful for on our thankful tree and in different family home evenings, but he decided on his own to start a list of all the things he was thankful for.  He even had categories and it went onto the back page.  What a great example Ethan is on being thankful!

Bryan's sketch of Ethan during Stake Conference.  :)

I am thankful for my wonderful family.  I'm so blessed to have three wonderful kids and for my knowledge of God's plan for us and for our Savior, Jesus Christ who died for my sins and for your sins, and for all the pain, sickness, and sadness that sometimes happens on this journey called life.  


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"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things." ~Pierce Harris
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