Enjoying warmer weather outside! We are so glad we moved to this street. There are so many kids to play together and great families. It's been really nice!
Aubrey and I went to the duck pond. I handed her pieces of bread to feed the ducks and she would share a few, but eat most of them, ha! I kept showing her how to throw them and she seemed confused why I wanted her to throw her snack. :)
The boys washing the car with some help from neighbor friends.
Aubrey being her cute self, while Ethan does some yoga in the back ;)
Ethan at his end of the year music presentation. They've been learning to play the ukulele and has really enjoyed it. He says he wants one for his birthday now.
Aubrey and one of her boyfriends.
Another hang out spot for neighbor kids, Bryan's truck. It's their club gathering place I think.
I had an end-of-the-year piano recital for my students with a spring theme. Here's a video of Ethan playing the theme from Star Wars.
And here's a picture of all my students. The two on the far right are the only two that are my students. I teach their sister and her mom wanted her sisters to play in a recital for practice. She's been teaching them since their teacher moved.
Memorial Day service at Provo Cemetery.
We decided to do a garden this year for the very first time, since we finally have a garden area. After hours and hours of weeding, Bryan's job was to rake and get the areas marked off. He did a great job!
A few more cute pictures of Aubrey this month.
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